Delegația PSD din Parlamentul European a cerut ieri, Comisiei Europene, ca toate statele membre UE, nu numai cele din zona euro, să beneficieze de sprijinul financiar ce va fi stabilit pentru redresarea economică post- coronavirus. Potrivit surselor de la Bruxelles, acest sprijin ar putea depăși suma vehiculată inițial de un trilion de euro. Delegația noastră cere ca regulamentele actuale să fie modificate temporar, astfel încât banii să fie împărțiți la toți, pentru că pandemia nu a ținut cont nici de frontiere, nici de apartenența – sau nu – la zona euro. Scrisoarea a fost trimisă de Dan Nica, șeful delegației noastre, în numele tuturor colegilor.
PSD (Social Democratic Party) MEPs on Thursday asked the European Commission to ensure equal access of all European Union Member States to post-coronavirus recovery instruments.
„Dan Nica, the leader of the PSD Delegation to the European Parliament, has announced that the PSD MEPs have sent a request today to the President of the European Commission and the European Commissioner in charge of Economy to ensure equal access to all European Member States to the post-coronavirus recovery instruments. The PSD Delegation asked the European Commission to consider, in the upcoming revision of the Capital Requirements Regulation in the banking system, such measures that will guarantee the financial support needed in the Eurozone and also in Romania and in the other countries that haven’t adopted the single currency yet,” reads a press release sent to AGERPRES by the PSD.
In the letter addressed to the EC President, Ursula von der Leyen, the Executive Vice-President, Valdis Dombrovskis – in charge with the coordination of the economic field, as well as to Commissioner for Economy Paolo Gentiloni, the ten representatives of the PSD to the European Parliament drew attention to the need that „all EU Member States are treated equally and have equal access to funds in order to efficiently cope with the negative impact of the COVID-19 crisis on their economies, based on the principle according to which no country will be left behind.”
In more concrete terms, the PSD Delegation asked the European authorities, while revising the Capital Requirements Regulation (No. 573/2013) and in order to be able to adequately respond to the economic consequences generated by the pandemic, to take into account the temporary introduction of a special treatment of exposures to government bonds, so that Romania to have access to attractive financing offers on the euro markets at a smaller price and under better terms. MEP Dan Nica specified that such amendment should probably become effective in the next period as it is meant, alongside the other European anti-crisis instruments adopted until now to reduce the impact of the pandemic on the Member States outside the Eurozone,” explained the release.